I mowed my neighbor's lawn yesterday, before the day got too hot. I had forgotten how much I enjoy making those straight lines, mowing down all of those generic sunflowers called dandelions, and all of the other annoying weeds that blemish the lush green carpet. I had forgotten the feeling of satisfaction I get when the extension cord is wound up and put away with the electric mower, and I can stand at the edge of a cleanly shaven lawn and breathe.
Maybe its just the joy of cleaning away the overgrown-ness of things that are easy to clean away - to give light to what is buried underneath waiting for sun and rain.
Maybe it's the pure joy of the senses that dance with the smell of fresh cut grass, wet dirt, sweat, and iced tea.
OR, maybe it's the touch (or more) of OCD that seeps from my pores as much as the
sweat does when I mow the lawn, or shovel snow, or any of the other things that once started DEMAND my focus, but are soooo satisfying when I finally call them finished.
It occurred to me, while I was admiring the results, that I'm standing on the edge of more than just a freshly mowed yard, but perhaps too, I have successfully mowed down the overgrown-ness of other things.